Study with the Perfect French tutor in Leicester

Through Tutor House, you can study with the best French tutor in Leicester for your learning needs. We offer an excellent selection of top-rated tutors who can help students of all ages and levels of proficiency learn French. You can get your best-fit French tuition with rates starting at just £20 an hour!

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James S.
Goal-oriented and success guaranteed!
£90/per hour
Verified Tutor
600+Lessons completed
Tutoring Tutors Online
12 years experience
Degree educated
I am a multilinguist with considerable experience in teaching French and Spanish to a diverse range of students. I have a 100% success rate in terms of my students improving their academic grades. I am extremely passionate about my subject and committed to understanding and engaging with each new student's learning needs. I tailor my individual teaching programmes to ensure each student is able to develop and move confidently towards their goal, whether it be academic or personal. I choose to work with students who are committed to working towards their goal - they don't have to love the subject to begin with, they just have to want to improve, the love comes later, often when they discover how simple it can be and they start to see improvements in their ability and understanding! Among my previous students are Yas, a Spanish GCSE student who went from a predicted D to receiving an A* overall in 14 months, Roderick, who with no prior teaching since his French GCSE 16 months before we began, received an A* at French A Level after 7 months of home-schooling with me and Kendall, a French IB student who went from grade 3/4 to achieving a final grade 6/7 in 20 months - she called me up in Guatemala on results day so I knew it must be good news! Testimonials: "James tutored both my daughters for GCSE Spanish and they both received A*. This was particularly impressive with my eldest daughter who was on a Grade D at the end of Year 10. James accelerated Yasmin's learning rapidly over 6 months in Year 11, and changed her attitude towards Spanish from a boring difficult subject to her favourite! Aside from his in-depth understanding of the curriculum and effective teaching techniques, James is a lovely person with a great sense of humour, and the girls really enjoyed his company. We'd highly recommend James to anyone wanting to improve their grades and language skills." Zaya F - Spanish GCSE "James was simply brilliant in giving my son confidence in his ability to learn languages, which ultimately led to GCSE success. He possesses a magical ability to build self-esteem. Invaluable. Fabulous. Very highly recommended." Donna G – French & Spanish IGCSE "James tutored me in French for just over a year for the international baccalaureate. Marked out of 7, I originally achieved 3-4s in all my examinations. James helped with reading, writing and oral presentations. He helped me to increase my confidence in speaking and also taught me invaluable techniques for verb conjugations. In the end I was able to achieve a 6/7 in my final IB results. Thank you James !" Kendall U - French International Baccalaureate "James was instrumental in getting my son to an A* for his Spanish A Level this year. Over a period of 8 months James worked to improve Omar’s original predicted grade of B, focussing on some core grammar which had been missed by the school and developing his reading, writing and oral skills. James often made himself available at short notice to review and offer feedback on Omar’s practice essays for the literature part of the course. We are delighted with the result and with the high level of professional service that James provides. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend." Mehta F - Spanish A Level “My daughter Chloe was struggling with Spanish during year 11, she failed her mock and was really worried. We found James and he worked steadily with her for the three months leading up to her GCSE. I’m delighted to say she achieved a 6(B)!! Incredible...a fail to a B in only 25 hours tutoring! Thank you James, she couldn’t have done it without you!” Beth W – Spanish GCSE James tutored my daughter for just over a year at French Pre-U. Our aim was to secure a comfortable distinction. James knew the syllabus inside out and ensured no stone had been left unturned in her knowledge and exam technique. We were delighted but not too surprised when the final result came back a D1. We’re thrilled with James, his approach and the care he brings to each session. Such a star. Mikael J – Cambridge Pre U French "James is an amazing teacher. He got my daughter to a B in French GCSE from a predicted D, and my son to a B in Spanish GCSE from a predicted E. This helped my daughter to get to UCL and put the Russell Group within my son's reach. His teaching style is unique. Within minutes of arrival, he had won the respect of both my teenagers. He made himself available at weekends and in the evenings both in person and over Skype. I am so grateful for his help. I highly recommend him." Rachel G - French & Spanish GCSE "James is an outstanding teacher - he taught my son to find his own motivation & the confidence he needed to excel in Spanish. He brings the language to life and creates a self sufficiency in study habits that was wonderful to observe - the GCSE process was made palatable and non daunting ! I would wholly recommend him to anyone looking for a tutor that cares about the child in the most holistic sense and leaves them with the skills to tackle languages independently post their time with him - he was an absolute star !" Shaleen Y - Spanish IGCSE "James is one of the best tutors I have ever met. He is clearly passionate about teaching and has such an engaging and enthusiastic manner. Anyone who is lucky enough to come across James has found a true gem. I cannot recommend him highly enough." Helen S - Spanish GCSE
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Benoit J.
Enthusiastic and Engaging
£30/per hour
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150+Lessons completed
Tutoring Tutors Online
3 years experience
Degree educated
Success in any subject area stems from confidence, and a thorough understanding of its core principles. I focus on building up a conceptual understanding from first principles, in a way that makes sense to the individual. I use different styles of teaching to keep students engaged, and provide them with skills and techniques which they can develop further in their own time before learning new skills in the next session. In the lessons we build on new concepts together, and I prepare materials to allow you to consolidate in your own time before we review it in the next lesson. My expertise is French at all levels. I use a wide range of resources online, and prepare word document materials for lessons and for you to use at home in your own time. I have been tutoring for three years and have had great reviews throughout. I can teach French at all levels, and provide GCSE biology and chemistry lessons. I have finished my 3rd year of Medical Degree (I am currently doing a masters in research), so I can provide very useful UKCAT/BMAT/UCAS advice in order to give you the best chance of getting into university for any chosen course.
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No DBS Check
Nahéma I.
Overcome your fear of speaking French
£40/per hour
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500+Lessons completed
Tutoring Tutors Online
10 years experience
Degree educated
Hi there! Bonjour! You've made it to my profile, so I am guessing that you are looking to or have been trying to improve your speaking and listening skills. Perhaps you've been learning French for a while, and although you are comfortable with reading and writing, you still struggle with speaking and listening. Well, if any of the statements below apply to you, then I am thrilled to say that I can help you! - You freeze when you try to have a conversation in French, even when you actually know what to say in your head - You get nervous about speaking and/or you avoid conversations - You hear one long stream of sounds and do not recognise the words even when you know them in written form - You get so busy trying to figure a word out that you end up missing the rest of the conversation - You want to take your French to the next level and polish your pronunciation or accent, and want to show your true personality when you speak - Overall, you want to be able to hold conversations where you can speak freely without getting stuck Does that sound familiar? If it does, fear not, you found me and we are going to sort this out! What I offer is a tailor-made course that will be based on your unique struggles and unique strengths to tackle this common issue that a lot of learners encounter. We're going to dive deep and figure out why you are plateauing, next I am going to teach you powerful conversation strategies to dramatically improve your speaking ability as well as your listening ability. We're also going to debunk some fears and beliefs that might be holding you back and you will become a more confident speaker by connecting with others and showing your true self! Are you intrigued? Brilliant, then drop me a message! Do it and get in touch! After all, this is only a snippet of information about my lessons. I would love to hear about your personal challenges with learning French, and so to find out how I can help YOU in particular, please do get in touch and I will be more than happy to answer any question and discuss further to confirm whether I am the perfect tutor for you. I look forward to hearing from you soon! Happy learning and à bientôt! Nahéma
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Typically responds in < 12HR
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Damian L.
Experienced, rigorous, and patient.
£20/per hour
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350+Lessons completed
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7 years experience
Degree educated
I am a highly experienced tutor with over 7 years experience teaching and tutoring in private and public schools, as well as privately and online, in the UK, France and Spain. I am familiar with all major exam boards, and have been frequently noted for the passion and rigor with which I introduce and teach my subjects. I am a firm believer in the idea that education should be available to all, and that there is is student without potential. I thus make a point to help the student see the attraction of the subject. My methodology is focused on ensuring immersion in both the more theoretical and abstract principles of the subect and their application through practice and concrete examples. I aim to get the student applying themselves consistently as soon as possible, keeping a constant eye out for areas for improvement. I studied at the University of Warwick, Sciences Po, and the Sorbonne. I have worked as a teacher, tutor, translator, researcher, as well as business research and charity. I am fluent in 6 languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and German. I am also a teacher of Latin and Greek.
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Aurelija I.
PhD in Pharmacology
£70/per hour
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400+Lessons completed
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8 years experience
Degree educated
I am currently studying for a DPhil in Pharmacology at the University of Oxford, having completed an undergraduate and masters in Biochemistry also at University of Oxford. I finished schooling at North London Collegiate School where I gained 45/45 in the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme. I have had previous experience tutoring IB biology, chemistry, English, maths and economics as well as GCSE French, English, maths, biology and chemistry. I believe in altering my teaching style according to the student and have had experience in tutoring a variety of different academic abilities and ages. I am extremely organised and am happy to go above and beyond in regards to preparation and gathering resources to help the student. My experience in tutoring for IB and GCSE means that I am good at ensuring that all parts of the syllabus are covered and that the student is well informed of what’s expected in the exam. One of my IB students was recently admitted to Tufts University in Massachusetts while other students that I am currently tutoring for SAT are currently applying for numerous highly ranked American Universities.
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Zoë B.
Passionate and experienced tutor
£60/per hour
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300+Lessons completed
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6 years experience
Degree educated
I'm currently the Head of Classics at a high performing boys' grammar school in the London area, with three years of teaching experience at top London schools under my belt. In addition to serving as head of department, I am an experienced examiner for OCR (Greek, Latin, and Classical Civilisation at GCSE and A level). I have a great deal of experience teaching students of any ability, having pioneered Greek and Latin language clinics at my last school as well as supporting candidates working towards Oxford and Cambridge entrance. I am driven, curious, and passionate about the subjects I teach. Having spent my teens and early adulthood acquiring proficiency in several languages, I am always eager to impart my particular expertise. Educated at Trinity College, I am used to working in a dynamic and competitive environment. During my university years, I worked as a private tutor of Latin, French, German, Irish, and English Lit & Lang. I also worked as a voluntary tutor on a university outreach program, teaching students from disadvantaged local schools. In addition, I spent three years as an academic mentor in my department, meaning I tutored groups of first-year undergraduates in Latin and Ancient Greek. As a new teacher and postgraduate student, I am eager to continue developing my craft. My approach is a holistic and highly personal one, and I strive to use that which drives and inspires each student to aid their education. I am highly adaptable to student needs and I am open to innovative and unconventional learning styles.
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Timur Y.
Experienced and passionate private tutor
£30/per hour
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550+Lessons completed
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11 years experience
Degree educated
I would like to help as many students as possible to overcome their fear of a subject and to build their confidence in their capabilities. My qualifications: - Masters Degree in Computer Science (which helped me to deepen my knowledge of Mathematical logistics and also improved my way of explaining different problems.) -Maths GCSE grade 9 -Currently: Three months of experience in a PGCE course for teachers in the UK and it deepened my skills and knowledge of how to provide outstanding lessons to my students. -Lots of experience on both face-to-face sessions as well as online tutoring on various other websites (with many 4 and 5-star reviews) -Duolingo English qualification (IELTS level 7 equivalent). I have started doing private tutoring here in the UK a number of years ago in order to share my knowledge with students as well as helping them to become confident with themselves and their capabilities. In my opinion, showing a student that they are able to solve a problem or understand something that they first thought out of reach can really improve their confidence and this is often the key to them achieving a good grade at school. Additionally, the lack of understanding from the previous years can prevent a student from learning during a lesson and make him or her feel demotivated by the subject. I believe I can manage to fix this by providing them with the right support and most importantly, going back to gaps in their knowledge that occurred in previous years. It is necessary for them to have a good foundation in their subject to help them move forward and be able to grasp more complex ideas. Furthermore, I already taught many university and mature students as well and I am always happy to modify my teaching methods to fit the age of my student. During my lessons, I aim to work at the pace of the students as it can help them not to be under pressure. I can give them all the support they need with an ear to listen to their worries and I provide lots of original exercises. Finally, the best way to learn is with practice. I, therefore, engage my students during the lesson to think about the concept they are about to learn as it will help them to feel like they are achieving something by themselves rather than being given the solution too easily. If you have any questions regarding my past or my teaching methods, please send me a message and it will be my pleasure to answer you. I wish you all the best during your learning journey!
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Typically responds in < 2HR
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Eleni I.
Expert Languages Teacher
£40/per hour
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1150+Lessons completed
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23 years experience
Degree educated
Hi! I am Eleni, a passionate linguist expert. I have been teaching Modern Foreign Languages for more than 20 years. More specifically, I teach German, French, English (EFL), Italian and Greek in any language level. I also teach Spanish to GCSE level and I speak some Japanese too. I am a qualified UK school teacher with QTS and PGCE and I am also a CIOL Member and a Chartered Linguist. What's more, I studied Law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and I have the highest diplomas (C2) in all the languages I teach. I am currently based in Thessaloniki. You can find out more about my education by checking out my profile. What is also important to know is that languages are my greatest passion and I've been studying them for all my life. I've been a teacher for more than 20 years and nothing gives me greater pleasure than to impart my knowledge to my students in a fun, interesting and engaging way that is always adapted to the personal needs of every student. I have also huge experience in exam preparation. I have prepared hundreds of students for their language exams and I can guarantee your success in your A-Level, IB or GCSE exams and I should also mention that many of my students are now studying at some of the top Universities of the UK, Cambridge, Oxford, Bristol just to mention some examples. I can also prepare you for international language exams in any language level proficiency (A1 - C2) for any of the official providers (e.g. Goethe Institute for German). When I do not teach I... teach voluntarily! :-) I organise classes for children that cannot afford it and I also used to teach at a children's home. I try to participate to as many voluntary actions as I can, especially for homeless people. I love nature, the countryside, animals, I try to cultivate my own tomatoes and I would love to learn horse riding. I urgently need some time and a tutor for the latter! Either you are a student or an adult, either you want to prepare yourself for exams or you would like to learn a language that will help you professionally or just for fun, I would love to meet you and start our language journey together. So, take the first step and reach out to me. I promise you, it will be the first step of many!
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Sem B.
Disciplined, organized and passionate.
£60/per hour
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200+Lessons completed
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4 years experience
Degree educated
Hello, this is Sem! I am an LLB Graduate from Queen Mary University of London and I have finished my LLM in Energy and Natural Resources Law at Queen Mary University of London. I am working in a law firm which specialises in Energy & Technology Law and doing online tutoring at the same time. I have taught more than 50 students in the past three years, prepared them for exams, helped them with courseworks and enhanced their knowledge. I also taught children, assisted them for learning a new language (both French and Turkish). Thus, I am native in Turkish, fluent in French and English, intermediate in Spanish. I am a very organised, disciplined and patient person. Moreover, I went to a French School from the age of 3 until 8, which is called Lycée Français Pierre Loti d'Istanbul, and I got my French Baccalaureate with Mention Tres Bien (16.2/20). All in all, my main goal is to help, motivate and support students to achieve their best. The most effective way to do this is by making sure that students understand each topic and do not hesitate to ask any questions. Thus, at the end of each session I am summarising what has been covered during the lesson. During the lessons, I am including real-life examples and stories that I have encountered in order to help the student remember and better understand.
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Helena F.
Multilingual languages teacher
£40/per hour
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250+Lessons completed
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5 years experience
Degree educated
I'm a multilingual languages teacher with 5 years experience in international contexts. In addition, I've been tutoring online for the past 3 years. I specialise in the teaching of Spanish, English as a Foreign Language and French. Furthermore, I have experience with exam training such as GCSE, IELTS and A-level. I hold a Trinity CertTESOL, PGCE and an MPhil in Research in Second Language Education and my research interests include multilingual education. When teaching, I always take into account my students' needs and plan accordingly while encompassing activities which are engaging and develop learning. When I am not teaching, I enjoy hiking, swimming and traveling.
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Typically responds in < 12HR
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Clare B.
22 years as qualified teacher
£50/per hour
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1100+Lessons completed
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22 years experience
Degree educated
My name is Clare and I've been a Teacher for 22 years. I have a degree in German, French and Marketing from Lancaster University and PGCE in Modern Languages. I speak fluent German and French and am happy teaching online. I have knowledge of all French and German GCSE Specifications and can teach both to A Level and IB Language B. As well as teaching languages I have also taught GCSE, A Level and IB Religious Studies/Philosophy and Ethics, GCSE Business and Primary and KS3 Maths. I have had experience tutoring students from age 5 to age 65. I am flexible with my time so can teach most days. My hobbies are reading, walking and geocaching. I currently work as a Head of Modern Languages for a successful independent UK school
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Elena B.
Experienced French & Italian Tutor
£30/per hour
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100+Lessons completed
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2 years experience
Degree educated
Hi, I'm Elena! I am currently a student of Modern Languages and Literature (French and Italian) at the University of Oxford. I have over two years experience tutoring Modern Languages online and take a tailored approach to teaching - whether you want to improve your vocabulary, translation skills, speaking fluency, or a bit of everything! I strive to instil my students with the skills to feel confident communicating in a foreign language. I take a conscientious approach to teaching - making sure that I consolidate previous content as well as furthering my student's knowledge in order to ensure long term comprehension. I include mini tests and homework into my lesson structure and take into account my student's exam boards when planning lessons. I also have experience tutoring English Literature up to GCSE level - teaching both essay writing technique and textual content. In particular I focus on helping my students develop their analytical skills and gain confidence in writing in detail and successfully about texts. I achieved three A* grades at A Level, in History, French and English Literature and completed an EPQ. I also have extensive experience with the English curriculum of these subjects and have experience preparing students for entrance exams in prestigious schools.
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Typically responds in < 24HR
Has DBS Check

Why study with a private French tutor in Leicester?

Private French lessons can help you sustain a healthy learning habit and improve your language skills from session to session. Our private French tutors in Leicester can provide students with a tailored lesson plan that can help them understand concepts that they find challenging, build confidence in their speaking skills, and prepare them for any upcoming exams. A private tutor can also provide expert insight and guidance to students who want to learn more about French culture and understand the roots of the language. We have a selection of native French speakers that can teach you all about conversational and colloquial French that can help you improve your vocabulary and grammar.

How much is a French tutor in Leicester?

You can book a lesson with one of our French tutors in Leicester starting at just £20 an hour. Our tutors are all DBS-checked and thoroughly vetted, so you can be sure that you will get quality French tuition every time you study with our tutors. Our rates are determined by the tutor's personal teaching experience, many of which have taught French for years and have helped hundreds of students develop their French language skills. You'll be able to find a qualified French teacher with experience in language schools, a native French speaker who can practice with advanced students, and even a degree-level French expert who can help you with your French courses. Just look through our tutor's profiles and find the right one for you!

Learn to speak French with a qualified French tutor in Leicester!

Need help with your French classes? Want to start learning French from scratch? Tutor House can help you find the right tutor for all your learning needs. We can match you with the perfect French tutor and get you tailored lessons according to your personal learning style.


Learning French can be an engaging and exciting experience for students looking to add a foreign language to their skillset. You can learn at any age and develop into fluency with enough practice and determination. Our Tutor House tutors are ready to guide you every step of the way and make the process of learning languages as accessible and interactive as possible. You can book private in-person or online lessons and get the best quality tuition you require according to your preferred schedule and arrangements.


With the help of our unique matching system, all you have to do is enter your skill level, budget, and preferred schedule and we will do the searching for you! Once you've been matched with an excellent selection of tutors that fit your criteria, you can use a free trial call to learn more about your tutor of choice. Discuss your learning goals, consult any coursework, and get to know your tutor better before you start your first lesson.


So, if you're ready to start your language-learning adventure, book a lesson with one of our enthusiastic French tutors in Leicester today!


Pauline D

French Tutor, Leicester

I enjoyed every minute of our tutorial. Pauline gave me a lot of new ideas/ suggestions and feedback. She respects my work and encourages me at all times. Thank you! The best tutor that I’ve ever had!



Lilas S

French Tutor, Leicester

Lilas is a very enthusiastic teacher. She uses different methods to adapt to the children's needs at school. She is very professional and hard-working.