How it Works
How it allĀ works

Everything you need to know about finding a tutor, bookings, payments & reviews.

How it Works
Browse all Tutors
Use our inbuilt filters to narrow down your search to find the tutor you feel will best suit your needs.
Match me with a Tutor
Let us do the hard work for you! Use the ā€˜Match me with a Tutorā€™ option andĀ get matched with suitable tutors for free!
Book a Free Trial Call
Pick a suitable time for a 15 minute Free Trial Call to virtually meet your tutor and see if they are right for you.
Once you have completed a Trial Call and you are happy with your choice you can go on to book as many lessons as you like with them.
Message your Tutor
You can also message your tutorof choice and ask about any questions you may have before booking.
Pay for your Lessons
Bulk buy or pay-as-you-go, using our secure online payment system Stripe.
Keep an eye out for our discount codes and package deal offers!
Get Lesson Feedback
After your lesson your tutor will give you feedback with tips, advice and areas to work on for next time.
Book your Lessons
Whether you choose to pay-as-you-go or bulk book lessons,select dates and times that suit you.
Get discounts when you book 10 lessons or more with our package deal offers!
Track your Goals
Whether youā€™re aiming for a particular grade or just looking to improve your skills you can set and track your goals on your dashboard.
Leave your Tutor a Review
After your lesson leave your tutor a review! Our tutors really do appreciate your feedback. Your reviews help them receive more bookings!
Review us on Trust Pilot or Google
We always appreciate every review we get. Writing us a quick review on either Trust Pilot or Google Reviews can helpothers find their perfect tutor too!
Book a Free Trial Call
Pick a suitable time for a 15 minute Free Trial Call to virtually meet your tutor and see if they are right for you.
Once you have completed a Trial Call and you are happy with your choice you can go on to book as many lessons as you like with them.
Message your Tutor
You can also message your tutorof choice and ask about any questions you may have before booking.
Book your Lessons
Whether you choose to pay-as-you-go or bulk book lessons, select dates and times that suit you.
Get discounts when you book 10 lessons or more with our package deal offers!
Pay for your Lessons
Bulk buy or pay-as-you-go, using our secure online payment system Stripe.
Keep an eye out for our discount codes and package deal offers!
Track your Goals
Whether youā€™re aiming for a particular grade or just looking to improve your skills you can set and track your goals on your dashboard.
Get Lesson Feedback
After your lesson your tutor will give you feedback with tips, advice and areas to work on for next time.
Leave your Tutor a Review
After your lesson leave your tutor a review! Our tutors really do appreciate your feedback. Your reviews help them receive more bookings!
Review us on Trust Pilot or Google
We always appreciate every review we get. Writing us a quick review on either Trust Pilot or Google Reviews can help others find their perfect tutor too!
Get in touch with the team
Remember, if you have any trouble or need any assistance, weā€™re here to help!
+4420 3950 0320
Tutor House only accepts the top 20% of applicants to become tutors with us