2022: Year In Review

December 21, 2022

After a couple of years of uncertainty, 2022 became our beaming light at the end of the tunnel. Schools returned to normal, and exams were reinstated, but if there is one thing we are still certain about, it is that the world of education has changed forever. 

But that's ok! We have been with you from beginning to end, addressing all the new (and old) challenges in education that will keep you up-to-date. Whether you are a parent wanting to know more about your child's education, a student looking for support with their studies or a tutor figuring out how to push their career to the next level, this past year, we've had a lot to say. Take a look at some of the highlights from our year below.

January: How Seriously Should You Take Mock Exams?

January arrived and, as they always do, mocks came crashing in alongside it. In our first blog of the year we explored the age-old question: is studying for mock exams worthwhile or just wasted energy? Perhaps unsurprisingly we concluded that students are well advised to see mocks as a golden opportunity to identify problem areas, secure strong predicted grades if they’re at A-level, and of course, get in some all-important practice for the real deal. What are your thoughts on mocks? A source of needless stress or an invaluable tool?

February: Grammar Mistakes To Avoid At All Costs

A rogue apostrophe, confusing ‘effect’ with ‘affect’, incorrect pluralising; grammar mistakes can catch the best of us out, but when writing an essay, a job application or a report, errors like these can cost you dearly. So we decided to open February with a run-through of some of the most common mistakes people make when writing - or even speaking. This blog is a great one to revisit to brush up on your grammar knowledge and rid yourself of the pesky comma confusion so many of us experience once and for all!

March: Gender Inequality In Education 

In March things got political over on the blog. In honour of International Women’s Day we asked: what are the gender equality issues that stubbornly remain within our education system and how can we address them? It turns out the challenges facing the fight for gender equality are still pretty hefty, and unfortunately school life remains littered with them. From unconscious gender bias among staff to stereotypes perpetuated as part of the curriculum itself, we have a fair few hurdles to clear before we reach the level playing field we dream of, and our blog highlighted the most prominent.

April: Navigating Study Leave 

Study leave might mean a break from classrooms, timetables and teachers but it can nevertheless be an unsettling period, particularly if you’re not prepared. In our blog on navigating study leave, we took you through our top tips for getting to grips with independent study and optimising your solo learning ability. From study techniques to advice on timetabling your day, we covered it all, helping parents and students alike develop a clearer picture of what study leave looks like and how best to make it work for each learner.

May: 11-Plus Exams: What Parents Should Know

If you have been considering sending your child to a private or grammar school, a reread of our guide to everything 11+ exams is a must. The 11+’s are always a little mysterious, and it can be hard to track down reliable information on what to expect and how best to prepare. These are likely the first exams your child will have sat so it is important to provide them with the right support and ensure they know exactly what to expect. And there’s no better place to start than our in-depth blog on the subject (followed by a browse through our selection of expert 11+ tutors).

June: Our Homeschooling Series 

Did you know that Tutor House works with a number of tutors who specialise in homeschooling programmes? We wanted to showcase the excellent work these tutors do, so we decided to produce a three-part blog series exploring the homeschooling experience in-depth. We spoke with a homeschooled student, a homeschooling parent and a homeschool tutor about their journeys with this alternative means of education, and were given some fascinating insights into what at-home learning really means.

July: Everything You Need to Know About GAMSAT: An Interview with Tutor David

Last year we promised to feature more of our tutors’ opinions in our blog posts, and we delivered! David is one of our highly experienced tutors who helped share his insight and experience teaching the GAMSAT exams. This exam is very important for graduates who aspire to become doctors and want to study for a medical degree. In this blog post, David enlightens us on what his students find difficult about the exams, how students can approach these areas and how to manage their nerves when it comes to the test. Prepare to be enlightened! 

August: State, Private and Grammar School; What’s the Difference?

The UK is divided up into three different types of schools: state, private and grammar, and every year, thousands of parents struggle with choosing which secondary school to send their child to. How do we know if private school benefits are worth the money? Is the competition in grammar schools too fierce? Will your child receive enough attention in state school? These are common questions that parents face, and unfortunately, there is rarely a simple answer. However, in August, we sat down with ex-students from each type of institution and talked about their experiences. It’s safe to say, we go some intriguing responses.

September: oktopi Has Acquired Tutor House

September had our most exciting news to date! We officially joined forces with Dubai EdTech company oktopi, and what a thrilling ride it’s been since. Working together has enabled us to enhance our platform so that students and tutors can have a seamless experience with us. For instance, our recent instant book feature allows students to access lessons more efficiently and quickly than ever before. Not to mention oktopi’s platform, where students and tutors can use their resources to level up their tuition. Watch this space as we continue to shape the online learning world for the better.

October: Important People in Honour of Black History Month 2022

Black history month is such an important part of October in the UK. This is where schools and universities celebrate people of colour's achievements and recognise the hardships they have faced, and Tutor House is no different. This year we decided to look at important people that have helped contribute to the educational field. From the likes of Benjamin Zephaniah whose poetry brings in new audiences to the troubles actress Hattie McDaniel had to face, take a look at how these people have inspired us and perhaps they will inspire you too. 

November: What’s The Best Language You Could Learn? 

Everyone agrees it's useful to learn a language, but there is an eternal debate about which one is best. In November we joined the discussion, breaking down several of the more prominent languages in the world, and explaining the advantages and challenges of learning each one. While we don’t run through every language we offer, we do tell you in detail about some of our most studied languages. Check it out and see if it could be the beginning of your next language-learning journey. 

December: 6 Perks of Being a Tutor

Do not think we have forgotten about our lovely tutors! We truly believe that being a tutor is great and that more people should pursue it as a career. That's why we round off this year highlighting all the perks of becoming one. You can be your own boss, take charge of your work schedule and pass on your passion to others. We can't wait for you to see the endless opportunities we have in store for next year, both for our tutors and students. Stay tuned and you'll hear from us very soon! 

So after a rollercoaster year of blogs, all that remains to be said is thanks for accompanying us on our 2022 journey. Keep reading, keep learning and we’ll be back in 2023!

Happy New Year!

Start January afresh and turn your studies around.

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Ella & Sadiyah

Ella & Sadiyah are content writers at Tutor House — a top quality tuition company to students of all ages, budgets, and levels. They have both worked as English teachers and lived overseas, and are fascinated by all things education. Ella is a foreign language and text art devotee, while Sadiyah loves everything creative having studied architecture and linguistics at university.

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