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Why Tutor House tutors?
Tutor House was founded by teachers with years of experience in education. Therefore, we know what makes a good tutor - that is why only 20% of tutors who apply to tutor with us are successful.
How many lessons do I need?
Tutor House was founded by teachers with years of experience in education. Therefore, we know what makes a good tutor - that is why only 20% of tutors who apply to tutor with us are successful.
How do I book a lesson?
Once you have contacted your tutor, you can discuss everything with them, including lesson times, start dates and which specific subjects or areas you need help with. Tutors will then send you a booking request, and once you have accepted, you're good to go! All payments are made securely via the site.
Looking for your perfect Common Entrance exam tutor for your child?
Preparing for maths 11+ or 13+ exams can be a daunting task. With the entry into grammar and independent schools at this age being fiercely competitive, finding a maths common entrance tutor to help your child feel confident is key. All of our maths tutors at these levels are highly experienced and skilled in helping students get a place at their first-choice school.
Whether you are going through your common entrance journey for the first time, or have already had a child go through the process at an earlier stage, all of our tutors will be able to assess and understand your child’s needs. Our tutor's goal is to prepare their students so they feel as confident as possible before their 11+ or 13+ exam.
Our Common Entrance exam tutors you can give your child the confidence they need to ace their Common Entrance exams in every area of assessment whether that be English, Maths, Science, Verbal or Non-Verbal Reasoning. Your child will have access to Common Entrance exam papers, key tips for the big day and ongoing support through the Common Entrance process including interview preparation and more.
Explore our range of Common Entrance tutors today and contact one of our educational experts for free advice if you have any further questions.