How much does a Law tutor charge?
Tutors rates vary depending on the number of years they've been teaching and their educational qualifications. Some of our Law tutors are qualified barristers and have been teaching for a decade or more, so they charge upwards of £40. Our more recently qualified tutors might have just completed their Law degrees and will charge upwards of £20 a lesson.
Which Law tutor is right for me?
We know how important it is to find the right tutor for your studies. Browse our tutor profiles and think about what you want to gain from your lessons. You might want a tutor who specialises in the field of Law you're interested in or you might want a tutor who studied at the University you hope to go to.
Is Law tutoring worth it?
Hiring a tutor is one of the best ways to improve your grades. We've helped hundreds of students achieve top marks in their A Levels and GCSES and secure places to study Law at top universities. Tutoring has been proven to improve not only student achievement but also confidence.
A-Level Law Tutors Near Me?
At Tutor House, we know just how difficult A-Level can be. Law A-Level is no expectation. With the pressure of other subjects as well as the conditional university offers it's really crucial that you make or exceed your predicted grades. Learning with an online or in-person Law A-Level tutor can really make all the difference to not only your studies but also your confidence.
Learning with a private tutor really is the best way to make the most out of your law studies and ensure that you get the results you need to succeed. Our Law A-Level tutors are experienced law tutors who have either been lawyers themselves or who teach law professionally. Learning with a law expert and someone who is passionate about their subject as well as your success is the best way to reach your full potential.
Our experienced Law tutors are flexible and can offer you lessons that fit around your other commitments. You can decide whether you prefer online or face-to-face learning, and choose your tutor from there. At Tutor House, we know how much is riding on your A-Levels. Studying for final exams can be a pretty scary time! A private A-Level law tutor can help you master your revision notes and ace your practice exam papers. Whatever exam you are preparing for our Law tutors can provide you with the support and attention you need to thrive when exam day comes around.

Martin M
LawMartin is very knowledgeable, professional and always well prepared for lessons. He has been tutoring my daughter with her A level Law and has helped her to achieve the grades that she wanted! I would highly recommend Martin to anybody looking for a Law tutor.

Ellen D
LawEllen has managed to efficiently help me in my A Level Law studies, as well as helping me prepare for the TSA and my University application. She is a very friendly and engaging tutor. Highly recommend!