Why take guitar lessons in Birmingham with our Tutor House tutors.
Tutor House was founded by teachers with years of experience in education. Therefore, we know what makes a good tutor - that is why we only select the top 20% of tutors who apply to our website. Our tutors are not only proficient in guitar playing, they are also amazing teachers with a passion for helping you, the student, bring out your very best. Get the best individually tailored guitar lessons in Birmingham from expert teachers today.
How many lessons do I need?
The number of guitar lessons you may need will all depend on how quickly you pick up technique and theory, and the method by which your tutor teaches. If you are just starting to learn how to play guitar, the best option for you would be one of our experienced tutors that can teach you beginner guitar lessons in Birmingham. You can pick up the skills to play basic chords in just 1 or 2 sessions. Our tutors are able to adjust to your skill level, tailor their lessons around your learning style, and challenge you to reach higher heights. Once you have completed your beginner lessons, you can then move on to intermediate and even advanced level. Find expert guitar lessons in Birmingham through Tutor House and start your music journey today.
How do I book a lesson?
You can start taking guitar lessons in Birmingham as soon as you book yourself a tutor! Through our free trial call, you can discuss everything with them, including lesson times, start dates, and which specific subjects or areas you need help with. Our tutors will then send you a booking request, and once you have accepted, you can start receiving some of the best online guitar lessons available. All payments can be made securely through our site.
Get guitar lessons in Birmingham with an experienced tutor from Tutor House
Guitar is one of the most popular musical instruments, appealing to people of all ages. Learning guitar enables you to read music, play alongside others and accompany your own - or a friend's - singing. There's also a wide variety of guitar genres to choose from, including blues, classical, rock and folk. It's an instrument that suits all music tastes and abilities, as it's relatively easy to pick up. Need guitar lessons in Birmingham? Book a free trial call with a tutor of your choice and start learning today!
Some students learn to play guitar as part of a Music qualification, such as a GCSE or A Level, and require an experienced tutor to ensure they improve their proficiency and pass their exams. Others might be taking Grade exams outside of school and need a tutor to help with that. Or perhaps you might simply want to take guitar lessons in Birmingham for your own pleasure!
Whatever your reason might be, the search for the perfect guitar tutor can be a pain if you don't know where to look. With our tutor match system, we can match you with a fantastic, best-fit guitar teacher, whatever your learning goals and requirements are! Watch your playing improve quickly with regular lessons and guidance from an experienced guitar player. Book through us now and start taking guitar lessons in Birmingham in no time.
Alfie A
Guitar Tutor, BirminghamAlfie is perfect if you are a beginner or an intermediate guitarist who is looking for the next step up in their playing, learning anything from soft acoustic covers to complex finger style all the way to electric guitar, playing anything from rock to jazz.
Rowan M
Guitar Tutor, BirminghamDepending on what you want to achieve, Rowan will help you learn via a theory/grade-based approach or a more casual style of picking and learning songs that you want to play.