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Experienced Maths and Stats tutor
£50/per hour
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8 years experience
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A highly experienced Maths A-level tutor, covering GCSE, A-level, I.B and Pre-U exams. I am a Maths Graduate with First Class Honours and I feel that it's my purpose to help other students achieve excellence. The courses I cover: - Common entrance exams, 11+ -Key stage 1 -3 Maths -GCSE, iGCSE Maths -IB Maths -Pre-U Maths -A LEVEL Maths (all modules) -Further Maths (all modules) - University level *** I teach all associated boards*** Whether you need help with concepts that just don't click or you would like a crash course leading up to your exams, we have the same goals. I am here to understand your needs and work with you to achieve the results that YOU want. I'm an extremely motivated individual and my ambition for success has been recognised by Financial Times and TV talk shows. I take it upon myself to motivate students for success.
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Muzammil Z.
Highly patient and understanding.
£40/per hour
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750+Lessons completed
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15 years experience
Degree educated
I am currently a business lecture at UCB , however, I have experience of teaching primary, secondary, 11 plus and assignment support at HE level. Teaching has always been a passion and I am extremely dedicated to my job role. I enjoy all types of teaching and have taught all ages and in all types of environments. Alongside teaching English, maths, and science, etc, I also like to focus on the child’s holistic development which I believe is pivotal. I also do private tutoring online on one to one basis and group sessions. I like to teach my children through joyful interaction which assists them in reaching their full potential and achieving above and beyond their level of expectations. I have seen dramatic improvements from children who started off with very little or no English-speaking skills at all in becoming the highest achievers, furthermore, receiving recognition and awards in their educational institutions. I am very soft-hearted towards the children I teach, nevertheless, this does not mean that they can get away with not completing their studies. I am extremely flexible and can easily adapt quickly to new situations. You will find me highly empathic towards the children and very understanding, regardless of their age. All people big or small should be treated with the utmost respect. I do my best to dedicate my spare time to supporting charity events, group talks, and teaching children.
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Maxim P.
Experienced Oxford Graduate
£90/per hour
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200+Lessons completed
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4 years experience
Degree educated
Teaching Experience Maxim has tutored since graduating from Oxford in 2019. He has delivered over 1000 hours of tutoring, a testament to his commitment and dedication. In 2022, one of Maxim's students scored an A* in A-Level Politics, despite the Covid-19 pandemic. His students regularly gain top grades in A-levels and coursework. In 2021, both long-term Politics students got their desired grades and went to their dream universities. Maxim has experience across the Humanities, including various A-Level Politics syllabi and exam boards. The Oxbridge tutorial system (going through essays forensically and discussing them in depth) is central to Maxim's tutoring. These were, in his own words, "the best years of my life, with a learning experience I'm keen to share." Testimonials “The amount of history and your ability to create a timeline in order to help me learn the syllabus, although (it) may seem like common sense, makes the course much easier to understand thanks to you.” Andreas (A-Level Politics student) “Maxim tutored our son regularly throughout his A level Politics course. He was awarded an A* in his exam. Maxim has extensive background knowledge about the subject, exam technique and offers patience and persistence. Our son said he misses the sessions now the exams are over, which is a real endorsement. I would thoroughly recommend Maxim.” Jane (parent of former Politics student) Bio Maxim is a Masters student in London, studying Broadcast Journalism. Before that, he spent two years working exclusively as a freelance History and Politics tutor. He spent three years at Trinity College, Oxford reading History and Politics. At Oxford, Maxim focused on British and international politics, achieving high marks in International Relations and US Politics. While a student, Maxim also appeared on University Challenge and was twice an elected member of the Oxford Union's governing body. Maxim got three A grades at A-Level, notching up 100% in UK Politics with additional success in US Politics. Maxim received offers from LSE and Warwick along with Oxford.
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Frederick T.
Postgraduate maths, undergraduate maths.
£60/per hour
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550+Lessons completed
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11 years experience
Degree educated
Frederick holds several degrees from Imperial College, London. Firstly, he has an M.Sc. in Chemistry with Molecular Physics. After this degree, he returned to complete further studies and achieved an M.Sc. in Theory and Simulation of Materials. Frederick continues to offer classes of one-to-one private tuition and has an extraordinary wealth of experience in a range of subjects. He is a strong Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths GCSE tutor. He has extensively tutored Chemistry, Physics, Maths and Further Maths A-level with excellent levels of success. He has also tutored advanced Mathematics, Physics and Materials to Mechanical Engineering undergraduate students. He is well versed in a broad range of exam boards too. Frederick has tutored students from prestigious schools such as St. Paul’s School, St Paul’s Girls School, Tiffin School, Westminster, Eton, and Rugby amongst others. Throughout his time in Higher Education Frederick became a tutor and ambassador for a programme called Spectroscopy in a Suitcase (SIAS). For SIAS, Frederick taught A level students how to use IR and NMR machines (by using SIAS`s portable NMR and IR machines taken to schools). During these interactive visits, Frederick taught students the theories behind IR and NMR spectroscopy. Frederick was also involved with STEM OUTREACH at Imperial College, London. On this programme he mentored Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Maths to disadvantaged (but bright) 14-18-year-old students. Mathematical knowledge and skills: Undergraduate Level: Group theory, Real & Complex analysis, Vector calculus, Linear algebra, Markov chains, Rings & Modules, Numerical analysis, Topological spaces, Metric spaces, Measure theory, Representation theory, Variational principles, and Analysis of partial differential equations. Postgraduate Level: Algebraic topology, Sobolev spaces, von Neumann algebra, Differential geometry, Algebraic geometry, Painleve equations, Category theory, and Automorphic forms. Frederick Tutors: · Mathematics: KS3, iGCSE/GCSE, A level/A level Further Mathematics, IB (SL and HL), MAT preparation, STEP II & III preparation, TMUA, ESAT, Undergraduate mathematics, and Postgraduate mathematics. · Chemistry: KS3, iGCSE/GCSE, A level/IB, ESAT, and Undergraduate chemistry. · Physics: KS3, iGCSE/GCSE, A level/IB, PAT preparation, ESAT and Undergraduate physics. · Biology: KS3, iGCSE/GCSE, ESAT and A level/IB. · Computer Science: KS3, iGCSE/GCSE, A level/IB, and Undergraduate CS.
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Scott H.
Engaging and Knowledgeable Tutor
£70/per hour
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500+Lessons completed
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10 years experience
Degree educated
Hi there! I have a MSc in theoretical physics at Imperial College. I graduated from the University of Bath in 2015 with a first class degree in Physics, and spent a year on placement working at a Laser facility in Oxford as part of my degree. Whilst undertaking my postgraduate studies I'm residing at my family home in St Johns Wood and am willing to travel far and wide to reach a wide range of tutees. I grew up in London and attended Highgate School and UCS where I achieved 9 A/A* grades at GCSE and A-levels in Physics (A), Maths (A), and Economics (B). Whilst attending school I received some personal tuition, which was a great help and took vast amounts of pressure from my shoulders; allowing me to pursue extra-curricular activities. This was extraordinarily beneficial when it came to applying to University, and provided a solid base for me to chase my academic dream. In my leisure time I like to spend time broadening my knowledge outside of physics, taking a keen interest in philosophy and literature; utilising the Imperial’s substantial offline and online resources to accommodate my interest. In my year off between secondary education and University, I traveled to China for two months to study Kung-Fu. Before heading out to the far east, I took a beginners course in mandarin so I could communicate with the locals, to make the experience more fulfilling and enjoyable. Although Physics is one of my main interests and the topic of discussion in most scenarios of my day-to-day life, I feel it is important to find some separation and pursue other areas of interest. Before damaging both my knees, a few years ago I formed a Sunday league football team with a few old friends that I help run. I am a keen film fan, an avid follower of the comedy circuit, and somewhat of a home chef. Whilst studying in Bath I volunteered for a programme called 'Lab in a Lorry', an organisation I found through the university. They tour the country in a large mobile unit kitted-out with several experiments and interactive demonstrations to bring science and mathematics to pre-GCSE children with the aim of peaking their interest. It is a joint venture of the Institute of Physics and the Schlumberger Foundation. I was able to volunteer several times and was privileged to be able to teach a wide range of age groups, which was vital experience for me as a soft introduction to teaching. During my time teaching I ran several practical demonstrations for the kids ranging from an introduction to fibre optics and their use in modern medicine and surgery, to an insight into polarisation of electromagnetic radiation and how it alters how we see our Sun. These experiences were extremely fulfilling, and encouraged me to become a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) ambassador whilst on placement in Oxford. This involved running several outreach programmes at local (and not so local) schools, with the intention of making science fun and more relevant to young children. Myself, accompanied by several other placement students, exposed scientific thinking and novel ideas to children of ages 6 to 12. Some of these activities included: telescopic observation of the moon, an insight into the specific electromagnetic dependent appearance of galaxies, the formation of stars and other stellar activities, as well as several other aeronautic and space based demos. I began giving private tuition in 2015 and have expanded my client base tenfold since starting out. My students have seen vast improvement under my supervision, with an average grade jump of over two grade boundaries. I have taught students from GCSE level all the way up to final year university students. The structure of my lessons is as follows: I will dedicate a third to one half of the allotted time to an overview of the method or theory that is to be covered in the session. The time dependence directly related to the difficulty and complexity of the subject at hand. This subset of time will be filled by an interactive slideshow covering the topic and basic examples of applications to everyday life. After this, I will introduce a few simpler example questions, that I will run through with my student in detail before handing the reigns over to them to answer multiple exam-style questions; for which I will give hints and review the necessary material before going through the method of the marker. This is a tried and tested successful technique. Upon approach of the examination period, the tutoring sessions will change to entirely question and answer based conditioning exercises. These will be example questions taken from previous papers and my personal stash of textbooks and notes. This method of teaching has worked extremely well with me over the last 10 years, and also with my previous tutees; and I have full faith that it will do wonders for future students too.
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Susovan P.
PhD maths tutor for A,AS,GCSE,IB,degree!
£60/per hour
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500+Lessons completed
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10 years experience
Degree educated
BIO: I'm a specialized online tutor in mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics, machine learning and English as a Second Language (ESL). I received my PhD in mathematics in the US (Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ), and held my postdoctoral positions in reputed institutions in France (Ecole Polytechnique, INRIA) and USA (University of California, Los Angeles). I've extensive teaching and tutoring experience in many areas of mathematics, e.g. trigonometry, precalculus, algebra, differential equations as well as many other topics. I also had great scores in GRE and other competitive exams en route to my PhD. TUTORING EXPERIENCE AND METHODOLOGY: I love to share my passion for mathematics, statistics and machine learning with my students, by means of tutoring, seminars, talks etc. Being an expert in the subject, I can teach/tutor any level - this means from precalculus to linear algebra, group theory, differential equations, probability, statistics and many more! I have also been tutoring privately to students of all ages and taught more elementary as well as advanced topics for about 2 years in addition. Among many others, I've also tutored for IB Mathematics courses (e.g. Analysis and Approaches HL and SL), ACT and GRE Math preparation, Masters in Data Science/Statistics and also French middle school ('collège') students. I received excellent recommendations and five star ratings from clients/students and can produce them. Besides mathematics, I also teach English as a second language (ESL), where I'm TESOL certified. My tutoring specialties include: 1. My familiarity with all level of mathematics, thanks to my doctorate in the subject. 2. My teaching experience in large (roughly 30-40 students per class) and small (one to two students) group settings. 3. My effective visualization process with charts, diagrams, and tables to make things easy for the students. 4. I'm extremely well equipped for tutoring online, as I've done it before and effectively. I've a graphics tablet and a digital pen which I can use to write on an-built whiteboard, and and the writings appear on the screen and the students can see it the writing in real time. They can record the calls and I always share the filled-in whiteboards after the tutoring session, mostly in personalized Dropbox folders. 5. I'm a specialist in motivating the students to learn a new concept, for example, negative numbers, group theory or functional analysis. I've worked in industry for 2 years, so I've seen a lot of these concepts being used in real life, so I can help motivate on why (s)he is learning a new concept. P.S. I DO NOT OFFER TRIAL LESSONS, I SIMPLY DON'T HAVE TIME, SO PLEASE DON'T ASK FOR ONE.
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Anum W.
Experienced GCSE & A level Tutor
£50/per hour
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200+Lessons completed
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4 years experience
Degree educated
My name is Anum and I am currently a neuroscience student at King`s College London. I am motivated individual who strives to maximise academic productivity and efficiency. Academically, I have received 8s and 9s in my GCSE (I was the only one in my school got a Grade 9 in Religious Studies!) and A*A*A* at A level in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics. I come from a family of teachers - my parents have been teaching for more than 30 years, and I have seen the various techniques they have adopted to make their students succeed. I use their experience, as well as my own ideas to generate individualised plan for the student I tutor. I have been teaching for the past 4 years, and have experience dealing with students of all abilities in the following subjects in both in-person and online lessons: 1. A level/ IB SL/HL in Biology, Chemistry & Maths 2. GCSE: Maths, English (Literature & Language), Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Religious Studies 3. 9+/11+/13+/ISEB exam prep 4. University entrance exam or interview prep - e.g UCAT and GMAT 5. Personal Statement and UCAS process guidance I also have experience working as a Teaching Assistant in a School. I gave one-to-one support to individuals with Special Educational Needs (SEN), such as Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD, Social & Emotional Needs. During my time at school, I also helped run Speech & Language therapy sessions for students as well as spelling/exercises clubs. In addition to this, I have expertise in teaching people with a physical disability such as visual impairment. I have been trained to teach Mathematics, Science and English at KS3 & KS4 level using both braille and print. My experiences working as a Teaching Assistant allowed me to develop confidence in modifying my approach to teach students of all abilities and needs.
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Typically responds in < 2HR
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Olive E.
Enthusiastic, proactive and flexible
£70/per hour
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600+Lessons completed
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12 years experience
Degree educated
Olive is a highly dedicated and skilled professional tutor with over 10 years’ experience tutoring Mathematics and Science both abroad and in London. She has a proven phenomenal track record of helping students gain admission into some of London’s top independent and state schools and 6th form colleges including The Latymer School, Eaton Square, Putney High School, Grey Coat Hospital, The St. Marylebone CoE school, Ashcroft Technology Academy, Ashbourne College and Highgate School. Olive holds a BSc Honours in Biology and she specializes in helping pupils and students with their entrance exams for the 7+ and 11+ in Mathematics, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning, as well as Key Stage 2 and 3, GCSE, International Baccalaureate and A-Level Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics. Olive also has experience of SEN (Special Educational Needs) including dyslexia, ADHD, dysgraphia, dyspraxia and autism. Olive has had outstanding success in helping her students gain impressive improvements in their grades, with her most recent successes being three of her students gaining all 9's in Maths, Chemistry, Physics and Biology in the 2023 GCSE exams. As such, Olive prides herself in upholding an exemplary standard of teaching to motivate and inspire students to improve their academic performance. Over the years, Olive has cultivated a creative, flexible and collaborative approach to promote personalised learning, with the aim of building students’ confidence and encouraging self-learning and problem-solving skills. Olive has consistently received excellent feedback from parents and pupils for identifying gaps in pupils’ learning, developing pupils’ progress in resilience alongside raising academic attainment levels. She is extremely passionate about the subjects she tutors and transfers this enthusiasm to her students, implementing a cross-curricular approach for students to connect mathematical concepts across all three natural sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics).
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Nigel D.
Succeed in A-level physics
£50/per hour
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10 years experience
Degree educated
I have an impressive and proven track record in helping students, of all abilities, succeed in A-level physics. Having graduated in physics from Imperial College of Science and Tecnology in London, I have spent many years both as a teacher and as a tutor of physics, specialising in A-level physics for year 12 and year 13 students. I have taught the AQA, OCR and Edexcel syllabuses. My experience tells me that anyone can be successful in studying physics at A-level when the subject is taught clearly, with passion and with depth by the tutor and that the student is prepared to work hard. My tutoring techniques involve the breaking down of difficult topics into clear and concise sub topics. The student’s understanding of these sub topics is then reinforced by the student applying themselves to both short and long questions until they have the confidence to then move onto the next sub topic. We build up the confidence of the student gradually until they are ready to tackle hard exam level questions. This progression takes place at the speed that the student is comfortable at.
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Granville S.
Able, experienced and committed
£60/per hour
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1950+Lessons completed
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39 years experience
Degree educated
I was Head of Maths, then Deputy Head (Academic) at QEH Bristol and served as a member of the Independent Schools' Maths Expert Group. I've been offering private tuition for 5 years and I run Maths 'Booster' classes with teams of undergraduates in local schools. I can tutor at home or online, using a document camera so that sessions can be recorded and viewed back. "I can tell you that I got an A* in both Maths and Further Maths thanks to your help!", said Varun, while Orson's Dad said, "...he achieved an A grade in his Mathematics A level. Without your input over the last year I think we would be looking at a very different result".
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Typically responds in < 12HR
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Naime S.
Hard working and Results Driven Tutor
£40/per hour
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500+Lessons completed
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10 years experience
Degree educated
I am an experienced Maths and English tutor for GCSE students and below. I have previously studied at a grammar school and achieved a degree in Maths and Computer Science from a well known red-brick university. I currently work as an IT Manager and have done so for the last 16 years. Alongside this I have over 10 years tutoring experience in Maths and Computer Science and have seen significant improvements in several students during this time. Making the difference is my main objective as well as making lessons fun. I have worked with students both on a one to one basis and in groups. This has also included online tuition via Skype/Zoom alongside more traditional face to face tuition. I believe that my excellent communication skills and solid academic background enable me to be an effective tutor within my subject fields.
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Typically responds in < 6HR
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Will F.
Engaging tutor achieving great results
£40/per hour
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200+Lessons completed
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4 years experience
Degree educated
I graduated Warwick University studying Economics. For KS3 and KS4, I attended Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School, at which I sat my GCSES, attaining top grades consisting of five 9s and five 8s (equivalent to A*). Following on from these successful results, I was accepted into Newstead Wood Grammar School, where I sat A levels in Maths, Further Maths and Economics, obtaining A*A*A*. Additionally, in Year 12, I sat AS Physics, where I got the highest grade (A). My further qualifications which set me above from others include : Gold in the UKMT Senior Maths Challenge, Gold in the BPhO Senior Physics Challenge, and a runner up in the FCDO’s Next Generation Economics essay competition. I have done both public and private tutoring for 2 years. During this time I have taught: 11+ Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning, and Non Verbal Reasoning at Amazikidz and NumberWorks'nWords. For GCSE, I have taught privately Physics and Maths, and Maths publicly at NumberWorks'nWords. Finally, for A-level, I have privately tutored A level maths, with one of my students achieving an A after they were originally on track for a D. In terms of how I conduct my lessons, I do 1 hour lessons where I go through requested topics/ topics I have pinpointed needs improvement. During the lessons, I also work through some example questions in order to apply the concept and build the students confidence. Additionally, I send homework and provide marking services to ensure the student understands the topic.
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How can I find a Maths tutor in Sunderland?

Finding a private or online Maths tutor in Sunderland has never been easier, especially locally. All you need to do is browse our catalogue of online and private Maths tutor profiles below. After doing so, you can contact your chosen tutor for a free introductory chat. You’ll then be able to start lessons to improve your Maths skills whenever it is convenient for you and your tutor.

When should I start private tutoring in Sunderland?

We recommend you start private tuition 6-9 months prior to your exams, but if you’ve left it later than that don’t worry! Our experienced Maths tutors in Sunderland are flexible and will tailor their teaching to improve your Maths skills in no time.

Where can I learn Maths in Sunderland?

Tutor House offers online tuition so you can learn from wherever you may be in the UK. Our virtual tuition platform is second to none. Don't believe us? Check out our customer reviews. Learn with a Maths tutor in Sunderland today!

How do I choose a Maths tutor in Sunderland?

Our tutor profiles offer all the information you need, from experience to availability, to help you make the right decision. For a more in-depth discussion of your tutoring options, don't hesitate to contact our educational team. They will help you find the best Maths tutor in Sunderland for your requirements!

Looking for a Maths tutor in Sunderland?

Does the very mention of the word Maths make you want to curl up in a ball? You’re not the first and you certainly won’t be the last. Maths is a universal language and yet students across the world fail to get to grips with it. Unfortunately, this outcome simply won’t fly with your future. Believe us when we tell you that everyone from potential employers and even esteemed universities, like King's College London and University College London, take your school Maths scores seriously. If this piece of news makes you shudder, you need private Maths tuition. 


Our qualified Maths tutors in Sunderland will help you conquer your fear of what can often be an overwhelming subject. They have years of experience breaking down tricky concepts into manageable chunks and ensuring students achieve the grades they need. Don’t believe it’s possible? Just look at their track record. With Tutor House, students have managed to improve their Maths results by up to three grades!


Tutor House offers you the opportunity to learn flexibly and affordably from wherever is the most convenient for you, wherever you may be in Sunderland. So, if you’d prefer to learn over video call, we have the perfect solution in the form of our sophisticated virtual teaching platforms. You’ll be surprised at how much you’re able to improve your grades without ever meeting your tutor in person.


Connect with our brilliant Sunderland Maths tutors today and take control of your ongoing and further Maths education - we guarantee you won’t regret it!


David M

Maths Tutor, Sunderland

David has been a really brilliant tutor. Not only is he experienced and knowledgable but he is also a thoroughly enjoyable person to work with. He also has excellent resources and teaching aids in order to make the most out of every session. David tutored me for the GAMSAT exam which I passed first time (and it is a really difficult exam). I would highly recommend.



Georgia S

Maths Tutor, Sunderland

Georgia is a fantastic tutor. She tutored my daughter who was preparing for GCSEs. My daughter was nervous but as soon as she met Georgia, she was immediately at ease. My daughter enjoyed her lessons and was therefore motivated to study hard. My daughter was predicted a grade 3 but ended up receiving a grade 5. I highly recommend Georgia.